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Plenary lecture

Plenary Lecture

Plenary lecture 1 Day 2, Friday, May 2, 11:30-12:10 / Room 1 (B2) Overview
Identifying molecular genetic mechanisms and correlations is crucial for genetic-based prognostication and therapeutic targeting in thyroid cancer. Prof. Mingzhao Xing, a distinguished expert in thyroid cancer genetics, has investigated genetic alterations in the MAPK pathway and mutations in the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene promoter. In this lecture, he will discuss the critical role of the genetic duet or trio of these two major genetic changes in thyroid cancer. This lecture will provide new insights into the genetic-based risk stratification of thyroid cancer.

Chairperson : Young-Kee Shong (University of Ulsan, Korea)

Mingzhao Xing 11:30-12:10 Genetic alterations in the MAP kinase pathway pivot on the TERT promoter to drive thyroid cancer Mingzhao Xing (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Plenary lecture 2 Day 2, Friday, May 2, 15:50-16:30 / Room 1 (B2) Overview
Most fractures occur in individuals without bone mineral density (BMD)-defined osteoporosis, so BMD alone is increasingly considered less effective as an intervention threshold. Recently, the development of fracture risk assessment algorithms has led to recommendations for using fracture probability or risk, based on multiple risk factors, rather than relying solely on BMD as the intervention threshold in osteoporosis management. Professor Eugene McCloskey will be delivering a plenary lecture on intervention thresholds in osteoporosis and other non-communicable chronic diseases.

Chairperson : Ho-Yeon Chung (Kyung Hee University, Korea)

Eugene McCloskey 15:50-16:30 Intervention thresholds in osteoporosis and other non-communicable chronic (NCD) diseases Eugene McCloskey (University of Sheffield, UK)
Plenary lecture 3 Day 3, Saturday, May 3, 10:20-11:00 / Room 1 (B2) Overview
Prof. Martin Reincke is one of the world's leading authorities on adrenal and pituitary diseases, including mineralocorticoid excess in resistant hypertension. In this lecture, Prof. M. Reincke will provide the audience with an insight into the current status of primary aldosteronism by discussing whether screening test for primary aldosteronism should be performed in all hypertensive patients.

Chairperson : Eun Jig Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)

Martin Reincke 10:20-11:00 Primary aldosteronism revisited: should all patients with hypertension been screened? Martin Reincke (University Hospital Munich, Germany)
Plenary lecture 4 Day 3, Saturday, May 3, 15:15-15:55 / Room 1 (B2) Overview
Diabetes manifests in diverse forms worldwide, but existing definitions fail to fully capture this heterogeneity. In particular, type 2 diabetes relies on a single diagnostic marker, which inadequately reflects the complex pathophysiology and clinical diversity of the disease. Addressing this issue requires a multidisciplinary research approach and global collaboration to develop precision medicine strategies and identify new biomarkers. This Plenary Lecture will feature Dr. William Cefalu, Director of the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases at the NIDDK, presenting on the topic "Elucidating the Heterogeneity of Diabetes to Advance Precision Medicine." The session will explore the understanding of diabetes heterogeneity and its application to precision medicine-based classification and therapeutic strategies.

Chairperson : Yeon-Ah Seong (Ewha Womans University, Korea)

William T. Cefalu 15:15-15:55 Elucidating the heterogeneity of diabetes to advance precision medicine William T. Cefalu (National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, USA)
Korean Endocrine Society
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Business Registration Number: 106-82-31113  |  Name of Representative : Eun-Gyoung Hong
SICEM 2025 Secretariat (INTO-ON)
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